ਸ੍ਰੀ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਰਾਮ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਸਹਾਇ


“ How much time in a day, we talk about Sadh Sangat? How much time in a day, we talk about Satsang? And how much time in a day, we devote for jealously & envy? We should calculate this, from morning till evening. When we will calculate, we will come to know.

When you do agriculture, you calculate the ratio of the quantity of seeds sown and the harvest reaped. You calculate your indebtedness or profits earned. Thus, you come to know at the end of the year, as to what you are doing.

In the same manner, you should also calculate, have you recited Japji Sahib and done your Nam Simran in whole day, from morning till evening or not. You should calculate this too.”


11 11 2008
Sun Rise: 6:54am (IST)
Sun Set : 5:29 pm (IST)
The Asa Di Vaar was performed today by young raagis aged between 4 years to 8 years in the presence of His Holiness Sri Satguru Ji at Hari Mandir.

The concluding ardas was performed by raagi Raounak Singh aged 5 years at 6:42 am.
His Holiness Sri Satguru Ji went to Khat Khat Kalan near Nawasher at 4.00 pm. Came back to Sri Bhaini Sahib at 6:45 pm.